With Twin Trees your employees will improve physical Wellness for their bodies, Psychological Development for their minds and Social Relations for you, your team and your company
We help you establish healthy routines. Physical movement and TCM to reduce stress.
Humans are social beings, connecting with yourself and your colleagues will decrease burnouts.
See yourself and your strengths as part of your own team, together you can improve staff retention.
Follow our steps to better mental, physical and corporate health and you will achieve your goals.
Twin Trees offer a wide variety of workshops both online and offline
with choices of physical exercises and seminars to fit your needs.
Often images says more than words.
Click and watch Beijing and its skyline as the backdrop for TwinTrees professional development.
The core of our workshops is sharing of physical weight. We use verbal and body language to find a deeper understanding. We let your team discover how to truly trust and how it will benefit your company.
We let your employees learn that communication is not one directional, it is bidirectional. To communicate is to know when to listen and when to speak.
Give your team the chance to improving together. Let them know when and who to ask for help and how to respond when someone ask them for support.
With fields of expertise spanning from modern Western medicine to Eastern philosophy we know how to take care of you.
Following the ancient roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We use these profound principals to analyze the participants of our workshops.
With 14 years of professional experience in the performing arts sector we know how to take care your physical & mental health.
Over 2.000 hours of university lectures and 35.000 hours of practical experience.We make sure to keep you safe.
Our approach of biodynamics, clinical physiology and Chinese medicine make us sure to keep you at your best.
Allow others to physically carry your weight to find a new understanding of confidence.
Simple rules to start break your own pattern of inactivity, small step to begin your own journey.
Get closer to the connection between the body and the mind.
Learn how to meditate through movement.
We live in a world where society has made us feel intimidated by the touch of people we don't know or trust.
Modern life is stressful, we forget who we are and why we need others. Slow down to listen and be heard.
Working in times of change…
What you can change is not always what you think it is.
Collaboration with Beijing Mindfulness Center.