
Welcome to Wellspring

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Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED
From Our Gallery


TwinTrees offers workshops that are uniquely tailored for companies to allow their employees to get to know each other in a way they never thought possible. To trust each other and improve their communication. Our specialized workshops are all about movement, communication and trust. We do this by allowing every member of your team to work physically together.
The workshops is set in a relaxing atmosphere where everyone laughs and get closer to each other. The workshop creates a safe environment where it feels good to laugh and where it is accepted to make mistakes.
Twin Trees uses partner and group acrobatics as our tool. Colleagues will work in rotating pairs, so that everyone will get to work multiple times with every other member of their team.

“Two persons facing each other, firmly grabbing each others hands. On their mutual decided queue they lean out in unison. Now they are both off balance. But, with the help of their partners weight they do not fall. They are now in a new state of balance. Two person, one point of balance. If one decides to give up, the other will fall. Both are completely dependent on their partner. One team.  When they decide together they slowly pull back in towards each other and reaches their own point of balance.”
This is an example of an exercise we use. During the workshop the complexity of the exercises will gradually increase. There are exercises where verbal queues are used and exercises where the participants purely communicate with their body language.
Twin Trees workshops are packed with exercises  that gradually let every member break down the illusion that they cannot trust others with their weight.

Our workshops are for everyone, these exercises are not for athletes or yoga teachers. Everyone can do it, everyone will achieve a positive outcome.

Team Buildings facilitated
Employees with improved communication
Companies with increased productivity
People reached with health advices

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