- Loose a whole day of productive work.
- spend more money on the activities.
- discourage your employees to spend more time together in the future.
The average team building will take your employees out for a whole day, or even two days to do various activities. This has more down sides that benefits.
We have created our workshops to be held at your location. They are of an average of 2 hours. Our workshops leaders will come to your company and run the workshop there. We will take in 20 participant at a time. And following they will be able to return to their daily duties while we run a new workshop with new coworkers.
Our professional development is for the modern adult in a fast developing world. With our fun and enriching workshops we make your team grow together. We make every participant develop their personal confidence and their fundamental sensation of comradeship.
We think that the average team building company in China is more suited for kindergarten and children below 10 years of age.
You might think; To put on the same colored vest as your colleagues will make you feel part of a team. This might be true for the 5 hours you have it on. But as soon as you take it off you are yourself again. Nothing has fundamentally changed. You are you and your colleges are your colleges.
With Twin Trees there are no colored vests, no silly plastic toys, no single use pens and no flash cards. We are real, and work with real problems and real solutions for modern companies.
“Two persons facing each other, firmly grabbing each others hands. On their mutual decided queue they lean out in unison. Now they are both off balance. But, with the help of their partners weight they do not fall. They are now in a new state of balance. Two person, one point of balance. If one decides to give up, the other will fall. Both are completely dependent on their partner. One team. When they decide together they slowly pull back in towards each other and reaches their own point of balance.”
This is an example of an exercise we use. During the workshop the complexity of the exercises will gradually increase. There are exercises where verbal queues are used and exercises where the participants purely communicate with their body language.
Twin Trees workshops are packed with exercises that gradually let every member break down the illusion that they cannot trust others with their weight.
Our workshops are for everyone, these exercises are not for athletes or yoga teachers. Everyone can do it, everyone will achieve a positive outcome.
Our specialized workshops are all about movement, communication and trust.
We do this by allowing every member of your team work physically together.
The workshops is set in a relaxing atmosphere where everyone laughs and get closer to each other. The workshop creates a safe environment where it feels good to laugh and where it is accepted to make mistakes.
When was the last time you completely allowed yourself to trust someone else with your physical weight? Most likely long time ago when you were a child and your parents carried you. It was a safe feeling and you trusted them not to let you fall.
After we grow up we spend the rest our adult lives being in charge of our own equilibrium. We know it is a huge personal risk to feel off balance, we could fall and get hurt.
It is this fundamental human felling that we use as the basis for our workshop.
Twin Trees uses partner and group acrobatics as our tool.
Colleagues will work in rotation pairs, so that everyone will get to work multiple times with every other member of their team.
To develop any enterprise and grow in the market you need strong teams that know how to work well together, who trust each other enough to to ask for help and know each other well enough to accept their personal mistakes.
Twin Trees is an international company with corporate values that don’t always coexist with Chines companies. We make employees understand that making a company develop isn’t a personal fight, it is done together. The ladder to the top of a company is not steps you walk alone, it is steps done together.
Even though the average workshop is 2 hours the skills learn will last a lifetime. It is not expected of any participant of the workshops to continue to share weight with there colleague, but their fundamental understanding of each other and them selves will have changed. They will be able to effortlessly build new bridges and share useful communication within your firm. Both within their teams and interdepartmental.
Our workshops are physical work, exercises that is specialized on balance. Even though the exercises are mainly partner work they allow everyone to develop their own balance.
When two person engage in sharing weight with each other, using words and body language they reach a deeper understanding of each other. They will discover how they can truly trust.
Our understanding of who we are is closely linked to our physical appearance. We more often than not see our selves completely different than how we are perceived from the outside. Physical work gives everyone a boost of self confidence. Our workshops is not just any kind of physical exercise. Here you will discover that you can let your own weight be entrusted to someone else.
That will in turn let your own confidence be strong enough so that you can also trust others.
Just 30 minutes of exercise per day is enough to prolong your life. That can be to take the bicycle to work instead of the subway or a walk in the evening to digest your food. This can help you to avoid the most common diseases that cause premature deaths. Such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson just to mention a few.
We encourage every participant to continue daily exercise to have their personal life experience enhanced.
Our bodies and minds are closely related. In-fact they are one.
When you engage in just 20 minutes of exercise you will calm your mind by stimulation your hormones.
Your body will reduces it levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This will allow your frontal cortex to work correctly, The frontal cortex is the part of your brain that is a signature for humans. It is not developed in other animals. It is where our cognitive thinking happens, where we control emotions and think rationally.
At the same time exercise stimulates the production of endorphins that are the bodies natural painkillers and more important mood elevators.
In our modern society we rarely touch others. When we do it is with people with whom we are in intimate relationships with. This two factors has created a world where we feel intimidated by the touch of people we do not know, or even people who we don't trust.
For women it can be extremely scary and uncomfortable to have a man touch them. As there are so many undefined barriers and social norms. It can often be understood with a sexual undertone even the intention is nothing like that. The women in our workshops will loose the
belief that every man who touches them do this with a sexual undertone. In the safe environment of our workshops every women will loose that fear and come out with a healthier picture of our society.
It can also be scary for men to touch women. Men can be afraid of the reaction of the woman, even his intentions are good. He can be afraid of being accused of sexual harassment, that can have a huge Impact on his professional and private life.
We teach men with noble intentions how not to be afraid of this, and how to professionally and friendly approach others.
Physical touch is as natural as verbal communication, it is only our modern society that has made us forget who we really are.
After the workshop everyone will know how communication is not one directional, it is bidirectional, To communicate is to know when to listen and when to speak.
When colleagues work together they need to know when and who to ask for help. As well as know how to respond when someone else comes to them with a problem. Twin Trees workshops will efficiently improve your company’s productivity by cutting down on the hours your employees need for their tasks.
By letting them freely communicate and share information.
our workshops are packed with fun and laughs. When everyone are relaxed and laughing life is easier and creativity can flow. Problems seems smaller and potentials seems more clear.